The Tremendous 10 link roundup, #71

  1. Artist Asks Strangers to Draw a Bicycle From Memory… Then 3D Renders The Results | “Do you know what a bicycle looks like? Of course you do. At least you think you do. You’re pretty sure; there’s a couple of wheels, a couple of tubes, some handlebars… But do you really know what a bicycle looks like?”
  2. How Information Graphics Reveal Your Brain’s Blind Spots | “Let’s look at some of the wacky things our minds make us think and do. And then we’ll examine how graphics, including charts, interactives and other visual tools, can help show us our mind’s shortcomings.”
  3. Jason Fried’s 13 unconventional rules for getting clients | “Much like Ogilvy’s approach, Jason Fried’s rules are timeless and apply to selling anything. And like Ogilvy, not all that much has changed in the world of selling services to clients. If you follow their path today you’ll still find success.”
  4. Why Do We Love Photos Of Things Organized Neatly? | “There’s something inherently pleasing about seeing things all lined up in a tidy rows or formations. Perhaps it’s an innate human desire to bring order to chaos. Or maybe it’s just satisfying to see your stuff find its niche, filing in line with its likeness. Whatever the reason, the impulse to to click through photos of obsessively ordered objects is real.”
  5. Neuroscientists create ‘atlas’ showing how words are organised in the brain | “Using brain imaging, scientists have built a map displaying how words and their meanings are represented across different regions of the brain.”
  6. ‘Game of Thrones’ and the Era of Elaborate Opening Titles | “When “Game of Thrones” returned to HBO on Sunday night, many viewers probably had to rely on the map in the opening sequence to reorient themselves in the sprawling fantasy world. What’s the name of that sandy place in the south with the snakes? Oh, right, Dorne. The opening title sequence plays the very practical role of providing viewers the only guide through the physical landscape, not to mention the earworm so closely associated with the show. It’s one of several title sequences in recent years designed to be a significant part of how you process and remember a program — in other words, something you don’t want to fast-forward through.”
  7. An Ancient Philosophical Song Reconstructed and Played for the First Time in 1,000 Years | “…you can watch musicians perform ‘Songs of Consolation,’ a 1,000-year-old song set ‘to the poetic portions of Roman philosopher Boethius’ magnum opus The Consolation of Philosophy,’ an influential medieval text written during the 6th century. According to Cambridge University, the performance of the piece, which had been lost in time until recently, didn’t come easily…”
  8. Creativity Is Much More Than 10,000 Hours of Deliberate Practice | “Creators are not mere experts. Instead of deliberately practicing down an already existing path, they often create their own path for others to follow.”
  9. Why So Many Smart People Aren’t Happy | “It’s a paradox: Shouldn’t the most accomplished be well equipped to make choices that maximize life satisfaction?”
  10. Man Brings Lunch From Home To Cut Down On Small Joys | “RICHMOND, VA—Speaking with reporters while opening Ziploc baggies of pretzel twists and baby carrots, local man Stan Keppler said Monday that he has started bringing in lunch from home to cut down on his small joys. ‘Making your own lunch each day is a great way to reduce your simple pleasures throughout the week…'”

Image: artwork by Gianluca Gimini, link #1.