The Tremendous 10 link roundup, #62
- 28 to Make | “It takes 28 days to make or break a habit. Sometimes, we lapse into unproductive habits because we don’t know what else to do. That’s why we worked with some of the best creators we know to bring these 28 daily creative project ideas to your inbox so you can get back in the habit of making.”
- America’s Sudden U-Turn on Highway Fonts | “Clearview is out, Highway Gothic is (back) in. Critics want to know why.”
- Imagining your future projects is holding you back | “Idea Debt is when you spend too much time picturing what a project is going to be like, too much time thinking about how awesome it will be to have this thing done and in the world, too much time imagining how cool you will look, how in demand you’ll be, how much money you’ll make. And way too little time actually making the thing.“
- Seven life lessons for artists | “After 35 years in the studio, Aida Tomescu says painting is still ‘like going down a mine without knowing the way out’. She provides some torchlight for other artists.”
- UX Timeline | Shows how startup’s homepages evolved over the years.
- My Bathroom Mirror Is Smarter Than Yours | “When I couldn’t buy a smart mirror and made one instead.”
- OUR FLAG IS BETTER THAN YOURS | “When I was bicycling around south St. Louis a few weeks ago, I noticed the St. Louis city flag flying prominently in front of several private homes. St. Louis pride runs deep in this town, so it makes sense that many fly the flag. I share that pride, but I believe there’s another reason the flag is so popular: It looks really, really good.”
- MANIFESTO OF A DOER | “Leverage your energy. You can’t increase the number of hours in a day, but you can multiply your effort.”
- Why Type Foundry Dinamo Releases Its Fonts as if They Were Albums | “What should a 21st-century type foundry be? How might a type specimen function in a way that suits our increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing times? And why shouldn’t fonts be intelligent systems—programmed to shift and react to meet the needs of designers?” (Also: Cassandre’s Type Specimens)
- PEOPLE HOLDING POSTERS | Pretty self-explanatory. How does ours look?
Photo by Max Braun, link #6.