The Tremendous 10 link roundup, #24
- EXPLORABLE EXPLANATIONS | “In all these wide and varied examples, the reader is active. The reader asks questions, and finds answers. The reader proves lessons to themselves. The reader gains an intuitive understanding of complex systems. The reader creates hypothetical worlds. Above all, the reader is having a conversation with the author. This is a powerful new tool for thinking.”
- I Want Hue | “Colors for data scientists. Generate and refine palettes of optimally distinct colors.” (Via Chris Glass)
- Culture Map update | “The Culture Map helps people get insights extremely quickly. A culture mapping session involving 5 or 6 people can be conducted in 1.5 to 3 hours. This includes mapping both the current state and desired state.”
- Elon Musk made SpaceX photos public domain because of a tweet | “Earlier this week, SpaceX published a batch of 100 photos on Flickr under a Creative Commons license… When Musk announced the move on Twitter, some users wondered why he didn’t just make the photos public domain.”
- Heraldic Crests for Invasive Species | “In 2011, I completed a series of letterpress prints, featuring twelve of the predominant invasive species in Northern England, and describing their origins, allies, enemies and victories. Heraldic Crests for Invasive Species leverages a local narrative language of power and conquest.”
- Behind the Internet’s first magazine | “It’s 1995 and a pair of Rice University undergrads are performing intelligence tests on Twinkies…”
- Transform your illustration into smart SVG | “In this tutorial, i’ll explain the process of converting a sketch into a smart illustration using a platform called illustrio.”
- The Story of Lorem Ipsum | “How Scrambled Text by Cicero Became the Standard For Typesetters Everywhere.” (Via Coudal)
- CSS SANS | A font created entirely with CSS.
- First and Final Frames | “What can we learn by examining only the first and final shot of a film? This video plays the opening and closing shots of 55 films side-by-side. Some of the opening shots are strikingly similar to the final shots, while others are vastly different–both serving a purpose in communicating various themes. Some show progress, some show decline, and some are simply impactful images used to begin and end a film.”
Art by Zurkow, link #5.