The Tremendous 10 link roundup, #22
- Google’s Material Design Video Recreated in Keynote | “Many people underestimate the capability of Keynote (now free with OS X Mavericks), and reduce it as Apple’s alternative to PowerPoint.” (See also this post I wrote while at XPLANE: Apple Keynote for video? Hell yes.).
- Lulu Miller: Catapulting Chance into your Stupid Head | ” Lulu Miller shares her lessons on crafting remarkable stories by accommodating chance in your creative process.”
- How Paul Rand Pioneered The Era Of Design-Led Business | “The graphic design legend convinced businesses to put design first. Here’s how.”
- Ten Creators, One Question: What Did You Learn? | “Some parts of the project process are straightforward, and some present a new challenge or bring on a new experience. We asked ten Kickstarter project creators to respond to the same question: What did you learn during your Kickstarter project?”
- Origin Story of Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures Album Cover | “Sure, I was familiar with the graphic—and I’m not alone. Drop this image on someone’s desk and chances are they’ll reflexively blurt, ‘Joy Division.’ The band’s 1979 Unknown Pleasures album cover leaned entirely on a small mysterious data display, printed in white on black. No band name, album title or other identifiers. An interesting move for a debut studio album.”
- Sixteen Years | “After 16 years of doing a bit of everything under the sun here, I’m stepping away from the day to day of running MetaFilter and moving into the background.” All the best, Matt! And thanks.
- On the Road | Been there. A pretty great commercial for Delta Airlines (via Coudal).
- Jessica Helfand: Making Change 05: Why Design Matters | “This is the last in a series of short essays addressing the role of design as it relates to change, specifically with regard to economic and political realities on the African continent.”
- How they got there | Khoin Vinh’s new book: “Fourteen amazing interviews with designers of all stripes, each one full of brilliant insights into how great careers are made in digital media.”
- Shot on iPhone 6 | “People take incredible photos and videos on iPhone 6 every day. And here are some of our favorites. Explore the gallery, learn a few tips, and see what’s possible with the world’s most popular camera.”
Image: Joy Division’s ‘Unknown Pleasures’ album cover by Peter Saville.