The Tremendous 10 link roundup, #200

  1. Execution is where good strategies go to die | “Why? Because there’s usually a gap between strategy (the thinking) and execution (the doing). Leaders spend a ton of time and money designing a new strategy only to watch as teams pull in different directions, new initiatives take priority, and people become overwhelmed with fighting fires. Predictably, the new strategy never truly delivers on the promise, and, in many cases, simply dies.”
  2. Lawrence Tesler, Who Made Personal Computing Easier, Dies at 74 | “When you’re cutting and pasting, dragging the cursor over selected text and performing other common computer tasks, you can thank him.”
  3. Science and art find common ground: the importance of storytelling | “This week we present an exciting look at what can happen when scientists partner with professional storytellers. Our featured author is Sara ElShafie, a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley who has partnered with story artists at Pixar Animation Studios to bring storytelling to scicomm.”
  4. Design Thinking Tools | “When it comes to Design Thinking in practice, there are three inextricable truths. It is better to do things by hand when you’re in discovery mode. Live interaction with stakeholders and users yields the best results. Designers are always seeking to add new tools to their toolkit, especially those that enhance communication and organization.”
  5. Getting Started With Sparklines | “A powerful 200-year-old form of data viz.”
  6. Four Counter-Narratives for Graphic Design History | Aggie Toppins: “This is a pecha kucha presentation I gave at CAA 2020.” Via
  7. Copyrighting all the melodies to avoid accidental infringement | “In the litany of copyright infringement lawsuits, technology lawyer and musician Damien Riehl demonstrates that music is merely math, and has a finite number of possible melodies. If you’ve ever thought a song you like sounded similar to another, the culprit may not be an unethical forger, but rather the limited mathematical musical equations that our favorite artists have to work with. Current copyright law is at risk of severely limiting future music creation and future human creativity. This talk suggests a new way to handle these legal cases.”
  8. Inside Garageband, the Little App Ruling the Sound of Modern Music | “A secret recording studio on Apple’s Cupertino campus has made the beats of some of your favorite hits.”
  9. Bridging the Appreciation Gap | “How Employees Prefer to Give and Receive Recognition at Work.”
  10. Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos | “An inside look at how Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos built one of the largest and most influential economic forces in the world — and the cost of Amazon’s convenience.”

Image: screenshot from link #6, by Aggie Toppins.