The Tremendous 10 link roundup, #195
- Drawing is the best way to learn, even if you’re no Leonardo da Vinci | “Drawing shouldn’t be about performance, but about process. It’s not just for the “artists,” or even the weekend hobbyists. Think of it as a way of observing the world and learning, something that can be done anytime, like taking notes, jotting down a thought, or sending a text.”
- Italian Vogue Unveils Photo-Free Issue Because Photo Shoots are Bad for the Environment | “Italian Vogue‘s first issue of 2020 will feature zero photography in order to “send a message” about sustainability. Instead of photos, the issue is illustrated by artists, avoiding the “travelling, shipping entire wardrobes of clothes or polluting in any way” involved in a typical Vogue photo shoot.”
- The Benefits of Boredom: How to Stop Distracting Yourself and Get Creative Ideas Again | “Here in the 21st century, we have conquered boredom. Impressive though that achievement may be, it hasn’t come without cost: As with many other conditions we’ve managed to eliminate from our lives, boredom now looks to have been essential to full human existence.”
- Dear Designer: Yes, I Will Shame the Workers | “You have the right to make a living—but not on the backs of others.”
- The Evil List | “Which tech companies are really doing the most harm? Here are the 30 most dangerous, ranked by the people who know.”
- VFX Artist Reveals the True Scale of Atoms | “Wren uses VFX magic to show you how small the Universe gets… spoilers: really really small.”
- Delicate Embroideries Feature Anatomically Accurate Lungs, Brain, and Facial Vessels | “The key to a healthy heart is a diet full of fiber, and Emmi Khan is ensuring her heart—and lungs and brain—don’t miss out. The Cardiff-based artist embroiders anatomically accurate organs and systems, from a multicolored double helix to a profile view of facial vessels. The artist often weaves in floral and natural elements, bolstering the connection between beauty, anatomy, and the environment.”
- What Happens to Your Checked Luggage at the Airport | “Ever wonder what happens after you check your luggage? We’ve got the answer!”
- Noah Takes a Photo of Himself Every Day for 20 Years | “On January 11, 2000, when he was 19 years old, photographer Noah Kalina took a photo of himself — and just never stopped doing that. Although he’s missed a few days here and there, he’s kept up his daily habit for 20 years.”
- Office Treats Bring Out the Worst of Humanity | “Free food disappears fast, which is why you have to think strategically and trust no one.”
Image: detail of book cover for D.B. Dowd’s book, link #1.