The Tremendous 10 link roundup, #114
- New York Stories | “The magazine’s first-ever all-comics issue, with 12 tales of the city based on stories from The Times’s Metro desk.” Featuring STL artist Kevin Huizenga!
- Sparing the Designer’s Ego | I would define the designer’s ego a mindset that believes that one’s own design decisions are in the best interests of the designer, which would then translates to everyone else. In short, ‘if it works for me, it will work for everyone else, too.’ Nonetheless, having any sort of ego goes against nearly every other article about the designer’s ego in the first place. More often than not, the lesson to be had at the end was to get rid of the ego.”
- Avoid These 4 Explainer Video Mistakes | “From Kickstarter to Shark Tank, explainer videos have exploded. Pitching a product in two minutes or less, explainer videos fuse salesmanship with creative storytelling. But it’s easy to get lost in the rest, if your video script is lacking. While we recommend using an explainer template, these 4 common explainer video mistakes can detract from your product’s message and quickly bore your audience.”
- How to Get Started with Sketchnoting, with Mike Rohde | “One of my favorite presenters participated in both this year: Mike Rohde, the author of two bestselling books, The Sketchnote Handbook and The Sketchnote Workbook. Mike, a veteran print designer who lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his wife and three children, didn’t quite invent Sketchnoting. But he is the one who gave a name to the Sketchnoting movement about 10 years ago.”
- Japanese Designers May Have Created the Most Accurate Map of Our World: See the AuthaGraph | “We must abstract; ‘the surface of a sphere cannot be represented as a plane without some form of distortion,’ and so cartographers use a technique called ‘projection.’ The design mapmakers have most popularly used dates to 1569, from a cylindrical projection by Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator. For either cultural or navigational reasons, this hugely distorted map inflates the size of Europe and North America and makes Greenland and Africa roughly the same size. A long overdue update, the Peters Projection from 1973, improved the Mercator’s accuracy, but at the cost of legibility and proportion.”
- The Zen of Biking to Work | “The best thing about biking to work has nothing to do with exercise, the environment, or saving money. It’s all about the chance to unplug.”
- David Lynch Explains How Meditation Enhances Our Creativity | “David Lynch meditates, and he meditates hard. Beginning his practice in earnest after it helped him solve a creative problem during the production of his breakout 1977 film Eraserhead, he has continued meditating assiduously ever since, going so far as to found the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and Peace and publish a pro-meditation book called Catching the Big Fish.”
- The Invention of Ambient Music | “…Harmonia remained unknown and unheralded. Still, Eno wasn’t kidding when he called it the “greatest rock band in the world.” Listen to the recordings today and you’ll hear music that could have been made this morning in Vienna, or Williamsburg.”
- The History of Punk Rock in 200 Tracks: An 11-Hour Playlist Takes You From 1965 to 2016 | “Even if we date punk from the early seventies in New York with Patti Smith and the Ramones, we’re missing key progenitors from the 60s, from Detroit, Germany, Tacoma, Washington… The brackets we snap around decades as though each one popped into existence independently may blind us to how much history folds back in on itself, as do musical eras and genres.”
- The exact recipe for remaining a horrible person forever.
Photo by Colin Czerwinski on Unsplash.