The Tremendous 10 link roundup, #113
- Chart Junk Considered Useful After All | “There is almost universal agreement that any extraneous elements in a chart or visualization, elements that do not represent numbers, are detrimental to understanding the data. A paper that was presented at CHI recently described a study to figure out just how bad all this chart junk really was. As it turns out, it’s actually rather helpful.”
- The Ingenious Way TV Logos Were Made Before Computers | “A recent photo posted online revealed a fascinating history of the lengths TV stations would go to for dynamic logos.”
- Don’t Tell Me What To Do: Giving Clients Creative Feedback | “David Marquet said, ‘If you want people to think, give them intent—not instruction.’ I think he was talking about leadership, but he easily could have been talking about the creative process.”
- Pinboard Acquires Delicious | “Pinboard has acquired Delicious. Here’s what you need to know: If you’re a Pinboard user, nothing will change. Sad! If you’re a Delicious user, you will have to find another place to save your bookmarks. The site will stay online. but on June 15, I will put Delicious into read-only mode. You won’t be able to save new bookmarks after that date, or use the API.” Dear Lazyweb: Now what I need is a Pocket to Pinboard exporter.
- 45 Years Ago, NASA Launched An Infographic For Aliens Into Space | “How do you explain life on Earth without using human language? With graphic design, of course.”
- How beauty might have evolved for pleasure, not function | “Maybe it’s not all about natural selection.”
- The Work You Do, the Person You Are | “The pleasure of being necessary to my parents was profound. I was not like the children in folktales: burdensome mouths to feed.”
- A Secret History Of Selling Out: How Designers Reluctantly Embraced The Corporate World | “From planned obsolescence to focus groups, designers and corporations haven’t always seen eye to eye.”
- Clocked: Meditating Product Designer Goes ‘Full L.A.’ | “François Chartrand shares his secrets to a calm work week at Headspace, an app that teaches meditation.”
- It’s National Donut Day! Hey St. Louis: 10 Hole-in-the-Wall Donut Shops in St. Louis You Should Visit Now.
Image: charts via Eager Eyes, link #1.