The Tremendous 10, #5

The return of The Tremendous 10, a weekly link roundup that is not very weekly.

  1. A Refresher on Storytelling 101: “a seven-part formula for storytelling success in presentations and business meetings”
  2. 15 Common Inaccuracies Found In Science Illustrations: “This was either to emphasize a point, a common misconception, or because the representation would have been, well, too vast for the pages of a textbook.”
  3. An interview with Jim Datz on the “Your Dreams My Nightmares” podcast
  4. Tilt Brush: “Tilt Brush is a Virtual Reality tool that paints the space all around you”
  5. Private Language: “Eventually they came to recognize that each drawing was an extension of Herai’s own private language”
  6. #firstlinelastline: Just mash up the first line of a novel with the last line of another.
  7. Artists’ brains are structurally different, study finds (“…and regular art practice can permanently change our brain structures”)
  8. Richard Branson Announces Unlimited Vacation Policy for Virgin Staffers: “staffers… will now receive unlimited vacation time — provided, of course, that they get their work done”
  9. RAW: “The missing link between spreadsheets and vector graphics”
  10. Cave paintings change ideas about the origin of art: “Scientists have identified some of the earliest cave paintings produced by humans… on the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi”

Image credit: from link #1, by Takanori Herai via Design Observer.