The Tremendous 10, #5
The return of The Tremendous 10, a weekly link roundup that is not very weekly.
- A Refresher on Storytelling 101: “a seven-part formula for storytelling success in presentations and business meetings”
- 15 Common Inaccuracies Found In Science Illustrations: “This was either to emphasize a point, a common misconception, or because the representation would have been, well, too vast for the pages of a textbook.”
- An interview with Jim Datz on the “Your Dreams My Nightmares” podcast
- Tilt Brush: “Tilt Brush is a Virtual Reality tool that paints the space all around you”
- Private Language: “Eventually they came to recognize that each drawing was an extension of Herai’s own private language”
- #firstlinelastline: Just mash up the first line of a novel with the last line of another.
- Artists’ brains are structurally different, study finds (“…and regular art practice can permanently change our brain structures”)
- Richard Branson Announces Unlimited Vacation Policy for Virgin Staffers: “staffers… will now receive unlimited vacation time — provided, of course, that they get their work done”
- RAW: “The missing link between spreadsheets and vector graphics”
- Cave paintings change ideas about the origin of art: “Scientists have identified some of the earliest cave paintings produced by humans… on the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi”
Image credit: from link #1, by Takanori Herai via Design Observer.