Great books by good people (that we actually know)
Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable.
—Louisa May Alcott
Even more so in our fast-paced, FoMO, digital age, it’s nice to grab a book, sit back, and enjoy (and/or learn). It’s especially satisfying when you actually know the author.
And while this certainly isn’t a complete list of books by our talented friends and acquaintances, it’s plenty enough to keep your nose in a book (or a tablet) for a while.
The Connected Company
Dave Gray
Jeff Howe
Customers Included
Mark Hurst
Social Business by Design
Dion Hinchcliffe & Peter Kim
Steal Like an Artist
Austin Kleon
Show Your Work
Austin Kleon
How to Fly a Horse
Kevin Ashton
Dave Gray, James Macanufo, & Sunni Brown
Drawing Is Magic
John Hendrix
Birdseye Bristoe
Dan Zettwoch
Kevin Huizenga
The Story of the First 100 Years of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Weatherbird
Dan Martin
Beyond Bullet Points
Cliff Atkinson
Nancy Duarte
The Back of the Napkin
Dan Roam
Visual Language
Robert Horn
Mission at Nuremberg
Tim Townsend
A Drive Into the Gap
Kevin Guilfoile
The Muny: Songs of St. Louis Summers
Judith Newmark
Gaslight Square—An Oral History
Thomas Crone
Bill Keaggy
Milk Eggs Vodka: Grocery Lists Lost & Found
Bill Keaggy
Lochfoot (iPad book)
W. Scott Matthews
100 Things to Do in St. Louis Before You Die
Amanda Doyle
Disclaimers: Yes, two of my books are listed here (ha!), as well as one by Tremendousness co-founder Scott Matthews 🙂 …and I actually designed The Connected Company and Customers Included and was the photo editor for The Muny.