The Tremendous 10 link roundup, #265
- Why Does the U.S. Have So Many Mass Shootings? Research Is Clear: Guns. —NYT
- Firearms overtook auto accidents as the leading cause of death in children. —NPR
- America’s gun culture in seven charts. —BBC
- What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. —Pew
- The facts on mass shootings, guns in the United States. —Politifact
- 11 Undeniable Facts About Mass Shootings in America. —Reader’s Digest
- 277 Active Shooter Incidents in the United States From 2000 to 2018. —FBI
- Gun deaths in US reach highest level in nearly 40 years, CDC data reveal. —CNN
- There were more mass shootings than days in 2019. —CBS
- Gun deaths surged during the pandemic’s first year, the C.D.C. reports. —NYT
- Lobbying by gun rights groups hit a spending record in 2021. They outspent gun control by more than 5x. —Fortune
- Why can’t America do anything to stop mass shootings? —The Guardian
- More Than One Mass Shooting Per Day Has Occurred In 2021. —Forbes
- America is the only rich country that has frequent mass shootings. —The Economist
- Mass shootings in the US are on the rise. What makes American men so dangerous? —Sociological Images
- The money powering the NRA. —CNN Money
- Which Senators Have Taken the Most NRA Money? —Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
- The gun lobby: See how much your representative gets. —Politico
- Gun Violence Archive: Mass shootings in 2022. —GVA
- What works to reduce gun deaths. —The Economist
- How to Contact Your Elected Representative About Gun Control. —Time
- Donate to Everytown.
Image: Chart by The New York Times